The Plastik Group company policy represents the guidelines for yesterday, today and for the next future in order to pursue our settled strategic objectives.
Our reference points, which are always under examination and subject to frequent improvements, are:

  • Quality
  • Security
  • Environment
  • R&D
  • Ethical code


We aim to be European leaders and top suppliers for the Italian/European market in order to:

  • Understand our customers’ needs and requirements as a result of the attention we give to direct communication with them
  • Understand how our market is developing and always be at the forefront
  • Push our boundaries through the continuous search for innovative solutions in our market
  • Constantly keep in mind that our customers’ success runs parallel to ours

In order to achieve this, also through a detailed analysis of context and stakeholders, we are aware that we need to:

  • assess risks and opportunities regarding process management.
  • make the principle of continuous improvement a part of company culture, stimulating each and every collaborator through training, motivation and involvement.
  • fully embrace the fact that our main, essential resource is represented by people, with their skills and experience.
  • present ourselves as a point of reference for our clients.
  • consider our suppliers as partners, sharing our needs and expectations with them.
  • maintain competitive prices that allow us to make sufficient profit to favour continuous investment in order to respond to client requirements and achieve customer satisfaction efficiently and without compromise.

We are proud of what we do, and we also want our clients to be proud to use our products.

Plastik spa and Plastik Textile spa are in possession of the Quality Certification, in accordance with the ISO 9001:2015 standard, issued by DNV.

Health and safety at the workplace are a commitment that everyone must engage in and are accomplished not only by adopting safe and proper behaviour while performing work but also by constantly creating the conditions for this to happen.

In sharing the above principle with all staff, management has decided to take every step to continuously improve workplace health and safety by setting up and implementing a specific Management System that operates in accordance with existing legislation and takes in account the nature and extent of business risks and the specific features of the organisational structure.

The main objectives of the group’s workplace H&S Management System may be summarised in the search and effort to:

  • eliminate or, where not otherwise possible, reduce potential and actual causes of work-related accidents and illness through better management of risks and both corrective and preventative actions.
  • promptly verify respect for legal requirements.
  • foster more continuous and efficient communication between the company and employees through meetings on the subject of health and safety, also with a view to encouraging and consolidating a culture of safety, raising awareness of risks and promoting responsible behaviour throughout the company, also through specific training related to roles, suitable instructions and consultation with employees and their representatives.
  • better monitor levels of risk control in order to further minimise hazards through continuous improvement and the communication of goals and programmes.
  • raise awareness among suppliers so that they also play an active role in this prevention process.
  • ensure that the employer, the managers, the supervisors, the employees, the PPSSs, the MC and the WSRs play an active role in the prevention of risks and in safeguarding their own health and safety and that of their colleagues and of third parties.

The company therefore undertakes to define an appropriate documentation system, in order to ensure that every employee can gain knowledge and awareness of the importance of complying with policies, safety procedures, safety management system requirements, individual obligations in terms of safety, the real and potential consequences of their working activities, their own safety and that of their colleagues, and the benefits of improving their own performance, as well as of their own role and responsibility in achieving compliance with safety policies concerning the potential consequences of non-compliance with specified operating procedures.

The “Safety Policy” will be implemented not only through assessments in compliance with regulations, but above all through the preparation and monitoring of the “COMPANY IMPROVEMENT PLAN”, which will see the participation of all stakeholders, also through the adoption and the implementation of continuous “PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT”.

A RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT team is available that works closely with customers, suppliers, internationally renowned technologists, universities and research centres.

Its aim is to identify new materials, technologies and new technological synergies that ensure highest levels of innovation and continue to be an important reference point on the international market.

  • Partnerships with customers and suppliers
  • Technological synergies with external organizations
  • Continuous search for innovative solutions
  • Constant attention to market requirements

Plastik SpA e Plastik Textile SpA adotta un processo di gestione delle segnalazioni (anche anonime) riguardanti la Società inviate da Terzi o da Persone che collaborano con Plastik Group.

Il processo è conforme alle novità normative introdotte dal D.lgs. 10 marzo 2023, n. 24 di attuazione della direttiva (UE) 2019/1937 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio del 23 ottobre 2019, riguardante la protezione delle persone che segnalano violazioni del diritto dell'Unione e recante disposizioni riguardanti la protezione delle persone che segnalano violazioni delle disposizioni normative nazionali (c.d. “Decreto Whistleblowing”).

Il processo di gestione delle segnalazioni è parte integrante del Modello di Organizzazione, Gestione e Controllo ex D.lgs. n. 231/2001.

Per l’invio e la gestione delle segnalazioni Plastik SpA e Plastik Textile SpA implementano una piattaforma informatica dedicata, che costituisce canale preferenziale per l’invio delle segnalazioni disponibile attraverso i seguenti link :

Plastik Spa

Plastik Textile Spa

Le rispettive informative sono visionabili ai seguenti link:

Plastik Spa :

Plastik Textile Spa :



Plastik Sustainability Report 2023
Download ( pdf - 2.3 MB )
Plastik Sustainability Report 2021
Download ( pdf - 981.5 KB )
Plastik Sustainability Report 2020
Download ( pdf - 1.9 MB )
Plastik Textile Sustainability Report 2023
Download ( pdf - 2 MB )
Plastik Textile Sustainability Report 2022
Download ( pdf - 2.5 MB )
Plastik Textile Sustainability Report 2021
Download ( pdf - 1.4 MB )
Plastik Textile Sustainability Report 2020
Download ( pdf - 2 MB )
Policy for inclusion, respect and gender equality
Download ( pdf - 274.1 KB )
ISO 9001 Plastik IT
Download ( pdf - 158.1 KB )
ISO 9001 Plastik EN
Download ( pdf - 156.9 KB )
ISO 9001 Plastik Textile IT
Download ( pdf - 158.2 KB )
ISO 9001 Plastik Textile EN
Download ( pdf - 157.2 KB )